Speed, freshness and vitality - A Conversation between Günnur Özsoy and Marcus Graf
Marcus Graf, 2003
Marcus Graf: Dear Günnur, at PG-Artworks you show a new series, which I see as a continuation, but also radicalisation of your previous work. So, let us start talking about the new series. Could you please introduce it by discussing its formal and contentual/conceptual issues?
Günnur Özsoy: Last summer, while I was ...
Dichotomy of Coincidence and Plan
Marcus Graf, 2013
Günnur Özsoy’s oeuvre shows strong aesthetic similarities with minimal sculpture. At the same time, it differs from minimalism’s belief in formalism, as it deals with personal thoughts and stories. Her work is also distinguished from minimalism, as she mistrusts and dislikes rational li...